Step into my multidimensional temple
Welcome to Mystical Medicine Woman, I am Kayla. I am very committed to my path as a multidimensional priestess & psychic medium and am so very grateful to be of service to spirit and those in my alignment.
Thank you for being here sacred soul. Take a look around my site. My sessions are potent and transformative. What makes working with me special is the connection I have to spirit and the multidimensional worlds. I am able to use my abilities to not only connect with your ancestors for love and support from the other side, but I am able to see into many different timelines, including your future. That helps with matters that can cause you searching for guidance or yearning to bridge the gap between you and your deceased loved ones. I am a hypnotist as well; with that I take people into altered states of consciousness. Which in turn makes healing happen faster when you access the subconscious and go into the quantum field. There we can do many things from reprogramming difficult behaviors, to releasing heavy emotions, as well as but not limited too going into the Akashic records. Due to my many years as a reiki master teacher and highly sensitive empath, I am very well versed in energy, chakra centers, and guiding you into recalibrating and alchemizing your own energy. I am available for mentorship and deeper paths for those open to longer, deeper journeys with me.
It is not a coincidence that you are here and drawn to me. Upon meeting my clients, which I prefer to call them soul aligned beings, we always can pinpoint how divine our meeting actually is and witness the law of attraction working to help us expand.
Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or need any clarity.

She unleashed her inner goddess and became the woman she knew she could be.

Are you looking to deepen your connection to spirit? Whether you prefer having me connect with spirit for you or we can start unlocking and understanding your own gifts. Maybe you are ready to deepen your healing and rewrite the codes to shift the reality to your own desires. There are various ways to work with me. Drop me a lil' message below and I will be happy to help you figure out the best fit. From 1;1 sessions, deep mentorship journeys, groups, events, tarot parties you may want to host, or have me as a guest speaker. I am here and happy to assist you
Mystical Medicine Woman
696 McClurg Road
Boardman, Ohio 44512
themysticalmedicinewoman @gmail.com